
Blog Themes are:

  • Rescue animals in the Pacific
  • Books in Pacific Island Schools’ and Homes
  • Kids activities 
  • Climate change and Sustainability
  • New Releases and Promotions

NEW RELEASE – Copper & Charcoal’s Forest Adventure

Charcoal goes missing and finds a possumNEW RELEASE COPPER & CHARCOAL'S FOREST ADVENTURETeachers Lukas and ColleenCharcoal's mum talking to the Head TeacherBack cover blurbEnjoy the Beach with plenty of summer readingMillvy books are available on: Amazon Kiwi Kids...

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Access to books in Maritime Pacific Island schools & homes

Access to books in Maritime Pacific Island schools & homes

How do we increase the access to free reading books in maritime Island schools and homes?
Customs charges, at the postal counter on collection, prohibit the ability for off island people to easily donate by ‘posting’ books to a school or family.
is the future eBooks? this places a larger constant reliance on access to internet and telecoms, maintained Island towers etc.

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